G5EPC portable amateur radio station QRZ

G5EPC portable amateur radio station QRZ Many thanks for our QSO and finding my online page. G5EPC portable amateur radio. You did a good job and made the contact ! If you heard me great as I do not come on the ham bands as much these days. I have a portable set up ready to go at any time but appear just when I need a radio fix. In 2024 that will likely be the 15m or 10m band. 30kms altitude approx. atmospheric image, F2 layer is at approx 320kms for reference.(Weather balloon) Every hour, day and week is a continuation of the radio story for each of us enthusiasts. Unfolding in the skies above. Mysterious voices from afar beaming from the low horizon completing their long and somewhat unpredictable journeys. Notable DX at bottom of page. (mainly new entities these days) Thanks for the radio contact - amateur station G5EPC/P, UK Full lic...